相知多年,值得托付;安心做好公司股東 - 從成功投資換取財務自由,贖回寶貴的光陰煉成時間的玫瑰
中國人壽股東手冊<-- Very true that every 2628 shareholder must visit. :). Regarding to AIA's market shares, it's decreasing from 2007's 1.8% to 0.89% at 2008's March. Is the life insurance cake getting bigger or its actully losing the market shares?
Thanks for always posting useful materials!
國壽個本業第一季真係做得幾好~ 希望黎緊會keep到!~仲有等佢走出去~
4 則留言:
中國人壽股東手冊<-- Very true that every 2628 shareholder must visit. :). Regarding to AIA's market shares, it's decreasing from 2007's 1.8% to 0.89% at 2008's March. Is the life insurance cake getting bigger or its actully losing the market shares?
Thanks for always posting useful materials!
國壽個本業第一季真係做得幾好~ 希望黎緊會keep到!~