
with rates cut, our company has to do something for better return


also, it seems from the news that 2628 is not that absolute on buying alico.

some say it is indecisive, i say it is conservative.



   談到雙方的合作,萬峰表示,雙方有意加強投資領域的合作,尋求在基礎設施項目建設、國家級大型重點項目建設、當地支柱產業及骨幹企業的資本合作及重組併 購等方面的合作機會;加強保險業務的合作,探索共同推進城鄉保障體系、社會公共安全體系建設的可行途徑;加強企業年金業務的合作,促進當地養老保險體系的 健全完善。




   6月27日,與十一屆全運會組委會在京簽約,成為其產壽險全面合作夥伴。中國人壽董事長楊超稱,希望以此為契機,與山東省在保險、投資與資本運作、完善 醫療和養老等社會保障、參與當地重大基礎設施建設、金融和國企改革等方面開展廣泛深入合作,從而建立起全面戰略合作關係;




   「中國人壽已在基礎設施領域選擇了很多項目,其中大部分在研究過程中,有些項目已上報保監會,其中包括部分基礎設施投資和一些未上市商業銀行投資項 目。」公司首席投資官劉樂飛的表態印證了中國人壽正在爭取基礎設施以及其他領域股權投資的說法。種種跡象表明,對於國內投資,中國人壽的積極表現表明,包 括基礎設施項目、未上市商業銀行股權等都進入了實質性的選擇階段。


   11月9日,國務院發佈了4萬億元的投資計劃。有報道稱,保監會已向國務院申請了2000億元股權投資試點額度,其中基礎設施領域的股權投資和其他領域 股權投資計劃各佔1000億元。專業人士分析認為,如果保監會申請的2000億股權投資額度獲准,中國人壽可能分到20%左右的份額,按此比例計,中國人 壽新增國內投資至少400億。劉樂飛日前曾高調表示,中國人壽目前持有現金約近千億元,占總投資資產10%,並將適機對國內及海外進行投資。




it's time?


i am not sure, but since chairman yang and his team have gone to ny this week(one of the event is the open bell of nyse), this deal seems quite solid.

the record of 中投 is not that good (remember blackstone?), so good deal or not? not sure really. wait for the notice la.

one more word: alico is not based in america, but karachi, pakistan. so don't mix up with another company alco, listed in nasdaq.

for further info:




 儘管當前金融風暴橫掃全球,但對於中國保險業者而言,卻也是趁亂揮軍海外市場的良機。在中國投資有限責任公司(中投公司,CIC)牽線下,中國人壽正在 洽購美國國際集團(AIG)旗下美國人壽49%的股份。一旦收購成功,將有利於中國業者進入包含日本在內的海外市場。


 據日經產業新聞昨(21)日報導,在中投公司牽線下,包括中國人壽(China Life)在內的財團正在洽購AIG旗下美國人壽(Alico)49%的股份,該筆交易價值最高可達到105億美元(相當於新台幣3,465億元)。

 報導指出, AIG與中投公司都希望能在今年底之前達成結論。對於這項收購計畫,由於AIG只願釋出49%的股權,所以就算中資買主能順利收購股權,但美國人壽主導權仍掌握在AIG手中。








China Life on FT


so surprised this morning to read about China Life on FT, on which coverage is rare. altogether there are three articles on our company.

China Life plots overseas insurance buys

By Geoff Dyer in Beijing and Patti Waldmeir in Shanghai

Published: November 17 2008 22:15 | Last updated: November 17 2008 22:15

China Life, the world’s largest life assurer, is eyeing overseas acquisitions as it seeks to take advantage of the global financial crisis to gain a foothold in foreign markets.

Liu Lefei, chief investment officer, said the crisis in financial markets was not yet over, but China Life believed the moment to begin making overseas investments was fast approaching.

“We are cautiously but actively looking for M&A opportunities,” Mr Liu said in an interview with the Financial Times. “We have been doing a lot of research and the opportunities are becoming more and more obvious.”

China Life has yet to make any overseas strategic investments, and its investment portfolio is also almost entirely domestic.

Potential targets were more likely to be small or medium-sized financial groups and could be anywhere in the US, Asia and Europe. He also said large financial groups that had run into trouble were likely to start selling off non-core assets. “Over the next few months, we believe there will be a lot more merger and acquisition activity,” he said.

China Life has been mentioned as a potential buyer for parts of AIG’s Asia-Pacific business if the troubled insurance group puts the assets up for sale.

However, bankers said the group might also prefer to take small stakes that could be both a financial investment and a platform for future acquisitions once it is more comfortable overseas.

The comments are the first public sign from a large, well-funded Chinese financial group that the recent market chaos is seen as a window to make opportunistic investments.

Chinese groups made a number of high-profile investments last year in overseas financial groups before the worst of the credit crisis hit the sector.

China Investment Corp bought stakes in Blackstone and Morgan Stanley, which have dropped sharply in value. Ping An Insurance made the first overseas investment by a Chinese insurer when it bought a 5 per cent stake in Belgo-Dutch group Fortis, which was later partly nationalised. The group booked a Rmb15.7bn ($2.3bn) loss on the Fortis investment.

China Life, the country’s largest insurer and a big institutional investor, had previously said it would focus more on its fast-growing home market rather expand aggressively overseas. At the end of September, the group had Rmb30.5bn of cash on its balance sheet.

In recent months, Chinese officials have signalled that big investments in overseas investment groups were now on hold. However, Mr Liu said that the group had not been barred from making acquisitions.

Speaking at a conference in Shanghai yesterday, Jin Liqun, chairman of the supervisory board of CIC, said: “While there are apparently huge risks lurking in the way ahead, this provides at the same time huge investment opportunities.”

He added: “In the short term you may see some slowdown in Chinese investment overseas . . . but I don’t think we should all close our doors because of the risks.”

Howard Chao, an M&A expert at the law firm O’Melveny & Myers, said that Chinese companies would probably not face political problems if they bid for insurance groups in the US.

“It should be doable to acquire a mid-sized insurance company in the US,” he said. “Taking control of a US bank is still going to be sensitive. But even a substantial minority stake should be possible.”

Acquisitive China Life can take its pick

Published: November 17 2008 22:07 | Last updated: November 17 2008 22:07

China Life, which told the Financial Times it is preparing an overseas acquisition strategy, can take its pick of targets given the havoc the global financial crisis has wreaked on the market values of insurers.

Obvious targets could be parts of American International Group, which are on the block after what was once the world’s biggest insurer was rescued by the US government following losses on insurance written on complex financial instruments.

One of the most valuable parts of AIG likely to be put up for sale is its Asian life assurance operation. This could have an embedded value – which reflects the worth of in-force life assurance policies – of $18bn-$20bn. However, AIG has indicated it could retain a stake in this business.

Roman Cizdyn, analyst at Blue Oar Securities, says AIG is likely to be “an early port of call, particularly in the region”.

Alternatively, China Life could join forces with another insurer seeking to pick up parts of AIG.

Prudential, one of the biggest UK life assurers, is eyeing AIG’s Asian operation, and is talking to potential strategic investors about helping it to acquire the assets. The investor could take a stake of up to 20 per cent in the Pru.

China Life has in the past been mentioned as interested in the Pru, given the UK insurer’s strength in Asia. People familiar with the Pru’s negotiations said China Life could contribute to the fundraising but it was unlikely to be the lead investor on any deal.

But China Life, which is primarily interested in small to medium-sized financial groups, could look further afield, Mr Cizdyn suggests, to insurers in the US or Europe.

“If you wanted to be adventurous you could take a lump of US, or a lump of Europe,” he says.

Shares in the Pru’s rival Aviva have also fallen sharply, and with business in Asia, it could also be an attractive target for an overseas investor looking to take a strategic stake.

In contrast to the Pru, Aviva has ruled itself out of the race for parts of AIG, declaring any assets would be “grossly overvalued”.

Elsewhere, US life assurers, particularly those that sell popular savings products with guarantees built in, have been hard hit by the global financial turmoil.

Allianz, the German insurer, has invested $2.5bn in The Hartford to shore up the US life assurer’s finances.

Rival MetLife sold $2.3bn of new shares last month to strengthen its capital base.

But analysts at Goldman Sachs expect more US life assurers to raise capital.

“We believe each of the companies in our coverage universe will need to raise incremental capital,” they said in a recent note.

In continental Europe, the global financial turmoil has taken its toll on Aegon, the Netherlands-based insurer. However, like rival ING, it has accepted a €3bn ($3.8bn) capital injection from the Dutch state, and it is unclear how an overseas strategic investment would sit with a government stake.

But China Life is likely to be mindful of the the risks of investing in overseas insurers. A year ago rival Ping An took an almost 5 per cent stake in Fortis, but it has seen the value of its investment in the Belgo-Dutch financial group plunge.

Deal-hungry China Life

Published: November 17 2008 22:03 | Last updated: November 17 2008 22:03

AIG of the US showed that insurance is neither strait-laced nor safe. China Life wants to go one better and prove the industry has guts of steel. Undeterred by global recession and volatile markets, China’s biggest insurer is embarking on an overseas shopping spree. Put another way, the $86bn company is calling the bottom of the market. Exactly how much it proposes to blow, however, and where, is for the moment unclear.

There is little in the (short) canons of Chinese insurers to suggest their investments pay off. China Life’s smaller rival Ping An has destroyed nearly $3bn of value through its holding in Europe’s Fortis. Policy holders’ money ploughed into domestic equities has also evaporated. China Life recorded a $1.2bn loss on its investments in the first nine months of the year, equivalent to two-thirds of operating profit.

Even yields on bonds and deposits – staple fodder of Chinese insurers’ investment portfolios – are faltering after a series of interest rate cuts by the central bank. None of this, of course, is good news for the insurers’ shareholders either. Returns on equity this year are likely to be about half the 22.5 per cent notched up last year.

Going further afield, to presumably far more mature markets, is not an obvious way to reverse that trend. At best, China Life can hope to pick up decent assets on the cheap that will provide a stable if dull income stream once the industry normalises. Only by paying bottom dollar can it hope to squeeze out returns since any cost synergies will be minimal.

China Life has $4.5bn of cash on its books and its shares are valued at a robust 25 times this year’s consensus earnings, more than double the sector average. That, and a phalanx of under-employed investment bankers, appears to have turned its head.



premium 10/2008

RMB 16.2B

uptrend decelerating..... growth peaked at the moment

still observing, but news for insurance companies in china should be optimistic



useful articles on understanding insurance companies (from 維斯 )


first, a thousand thanks to 維斯 for allowing me quoting his two articles on insurance companies, which i think are very useful for beginners on this area.


作為香港長線投資者,相信應該對(2628)中國人壽和(2318)平安保險等中資保險股是不會感到陌生吧! 可是,大家又是否知道如何為這些保險股作估值分析? 即是能否分辨保險股股價的平與貴呢?

要 分析保險股的估值,首先要了解保險公司的經營模式。例如,保險公司主要是設計不同保險產品,然後把這些產品賣給客戶,客戶便需要根據保單合約繳付保險金。 保險公司便把這些保險金用作投資賺取回報,最後保險公司便根據保單合約向客戶支付指定金額。通常而言,保險公司的最終投資收益和所持有的資產大於保險賠付 金額的差別,這些便是保險公司真正所得的盈利。

(*P/E Share Price/Earnings Per Share)作為指標。假如他們是對的,那麼分析保險股的估值便是主要看財務報表上的盈利(Net Profit)了。

大 家應該知道,財務報表或損益表上的盈利主要是由收入和支出所決定。其中保險公司的主要收入是包括保費收入和投資收益,主要支出則是賠付和準備金提取等。可 是,假如以賬面利潤去分析保險股的估值,那麼便容易碰上賬面利潤出現大幅波動的問題,從而影響保險公司估值的預測和穩定性。

主 要原因,首先是會計收入和支出不一致問題。根據中國會計準則(PRC GAAP),當保險公司成功銷售保單後,銷售佣金和保單費用便需要在首年全部入賬列作成本,但往後投保人為保單所繳交的保費則被列作收入。由於會計收入和 支出在時間點上出現不一致,因此這會導致保險公司出現「前期少、後期大」的利潤扭曲問題了。不過, 國際會計準則(IFRS 4)則給予了保險公司把銷售佣金和保單費用攤分入賬, 從而解決會計收入和支出在時間點上出現不一致的問題出現。

; 一或是受到公司投資決策轉變而導致投資資產入賬方式出現改變,例如由「隨市價變動入賬」的證券買賣投資轉變為「以成本入賬」的債券收息投資等; 因此,這些因素勢必影響保險公司的賬面利潤出現較大幅度的波動了。

除此之外, 中國會計準則與國際會計準則於投資分類和投資收益虧損入賬上的差異, 亦是屬於影響保險公司賬面利潤的主要因素, 因而導致根據不同會計準則編制賬目的保險公司之間是難以作出直接比較。



? 現今投資機構亦是基於什麼準則去分辨保險公司股價的平與貴呢? 關於這些問題,下次再談。



何謂內涵價值評估體系? P/E等傳統估值法不同,內涵價值的估值基礎是引入了精算概念,主要是建基於對未來現金流和相關風險折讓的計算,因此能夠糾正保單供款較長,以及賬面收入和支出不一致等估值問題。



內涵價值(EV)是有效業務價值和調整後淨資產的總和; 有效業務價值等於扣除持有保單賠付能力額度之成本後的有效保單於未來所產生現金流的現值; 調整後淨資產則屬於扣除償付能力額度後的淨資產餘額。


新業務價值是一年新業務價值(NBV)乘上新業務倍數後所得到的價值; 一年新業務價值(NBV)等於新保單首年保費乘上新保單內涵價值貢獻率; 新保單首年保費是建基於保險代理人數、人均保單數量和平均保單費用; 新保單內含價值貢獻率則是取決於保險產品種類(例: 分紅險、萬能險、投連險)、和保單繳費方式(例: 期繳 VS 躉繳)、銷售渠道結構(例: 旗下保險代理 VS 銀保等)。

例 如,我們經常聽到的所謂銀保銷售,這即是保險公司透過銀行渠道銷售保險產品。由於銀行網絡廣泛和客戶較多,因此銀保渠道的特點是保單銷量較大。可是,由於 銀行銷售佣金相對較大的關係,保單內涵價值貢獻率亦是較傳統渠道為低。因此,近期中人壽的保費增長看似強勁,可是她最近的保單銷售其實主要是倚靠銀保銷售 渠道,故此預期這批新保單內涵價值貢獻率是會較低,從而抵消了中人壽保費增長強勁對一年新業務價值(NBV)的一定利好。




人民幣 / 億元
































Source: 中人壽和平保年報


雖然我們了解到保險公司的價值是取決內涵價值(EV)和新業務價值的總和,這些資訊亦可以從公司年報中獲取。可是,現時保險公司股價的長期走勢是主要反映內涵價值(EV)和新業務價值的未來狀況,每一項新資訊的出現都可能會改變這些數據現狀,從而影響保險公司的內在價值。如是這樣,有何驅動因素是會影響內涵價值(EV)和新業務價值的升跌變動,因而導致保險公司的內在價值出現改變呢? 下期再談


2 articles on insurance companies in china


as promised, there would be a reward for those who answer correctly the previous questions on the so-called master.

i think the participants would not mind sharing this award to all the readers, would you?

to encourage this sharing of public good, your blogger is now giving away two reports, one by a chinese equity firm, the other from cs




here comes private equity, as expected




  保险资金海外投资政策不变 新获准投资未上市股权

  在保监会7日召开的第三季度例行新闻发布会上,最引人关注的是当前国际国内经济金融形势下保险资金如何实现保值增值的问题。袁力坦言,由于资本市场持 续低迷,保险机构的投资确已受到了较大影响,从全行业来看,目前保险资金直接投资A股的本金没有发生损失,但浮盈大幅减少,另外,对证券投资基金的投资已 产生了一些亏损。他同时也表示,由于保险资产配置趋于多元化,截至9月底,保险机构对股票、股权和证券投资基金的配置比例已降至14.2%,整体风险仍在 可控范围内。据介绍,前三季度我国保险资金运用余额2.88万亿元,平均收益率为2.1%。

  针对中国平安受累全球金融危机在海外投资上出现巨亏的问题,袁力表示,保监会在摸清保险公司境外投资情况的基础上,已经要求相关公司采取必要措施来减 少损失。他说,到目前为止,中国平安偿付能力充足,财务状况稳定,业务运转正常,不会对被保险人的利益造成任何影响。保监会在应对金融危机及防范海外投资 风险方面下一步要做的是积极指导保险机构总结经验、吸取教训、进一步完善制度稳健地进行海外投资。保险资金境外投资符合国家“走出去”战略,保监会并不会 限制保险公司境外投资。

  袁力透露,为拓宽保险资金运用渠道,进一步调整和优化保险资产配置结构,最近国务院已经批准保险公司可以投资优质未上市企业的股权。由此保险资金允许 开展的股权投资将主要包括两个方面:一是像京沪高铁等基础设施建设项目的投资,要在前期的基础上进一步扩大试点。二是优质未上市企业股权的投资。国务院今 年10月刚刚批准投资该领域,目前保监会正在研究相关试点办法,总体思路是选择国内经营管理规范、投资能力较强、能够有效控制风险的保险机构开展这方面的 试点。



  保险业持续稳定发展态势未改 涉嫌投连险误导销售的公司将吃罚




  袁力表示,从数据上看,截至9月底全国寿险公司的退保率为2.98%,属于正常范围,与去年同期基本持平。也有个别地区个别公司出现了投连险集中退保 的情况,退保原因主要是销售误导。目前保监会正在进行调查,将依法对相关的违法违规公司和人员进行处理。袁力表示,保监会将密切关注投连险的经营情况,要 求保险公司加大信息披露的力度,做好客户回访,严厉查处不法行为,切实维护保险消费者的利益。

  战略布局农村 明年拟扩大小额保险试点


  袁力表示,保监会已成立了专门的研究小组,将按照十七届三中全会提出的新要求开展调查研究,提出健全政策性农业保险制度的思路和方案。同时,进一步推 动和规范现有种植业、养殖业、渔业、经济作物等保险发展,狠抓农业保险的服务制度,切实维护投保农户的权益。据统计,1至9月,全国农业保险保费收入 91.1亿元,提供的风险保障达1876.22亿元,保险覆盖农户为7300多万人次,比去年全年增加了46.6%。

  今年6月开始,在四川、河南、山西等9省区的县以下乡镇开展小额人身保险试点,是保监会推动农村人身保险发展的切入口。袁力表示,到目前为止已有中国 人寿(601628,股吧)、太平洋(601099,股吧)人寿、泰康人寿和新华人寿4家保险公司启动小额保险试点,推出了14款“保费低廉、保障适度、 保单通俗”的小额保险专用产品,覆盖低收入农民已经超过23万人。下一步,保监会将总结试点经验,预计明年适当时机扩大试点



so-called master

there is a reply from a reader:

I read this from Tony's Daily. Do you know what is happening which mentioned in Bold?


中人壽今年的盈利每況愈下,財務報表上的數字混亂得叫投資者側目。今年8月發表中期報告時,中人壽還說首六個月的盈利是160億元人民幣,到了10月發表季度報告,盈利只有23億元。奇怪的事情發生了:季度報告說今年首3季的盈利總計121億元人民幣。頭半年賺160億、第3季賺23億,加起來卻只有121 億?這是甚麼數學?不要指望香港證監會或港交所(388)會問中人壽發生了甚麼事情。這個問題太過政治敏感,更何況在祖國的法庭裏,面對中國人壽廣泛的網絡,區區證監會、港交所又能做甚麼?

yes, his comment is very "bold" indeed.

really, why should someone like him still be called Master? also, i really doubt if the article was written by others in his name. and i could smell sour grapes........

would any of the intelligent readers try and see the obvious fatal error of the above comment? there would be a prize for a correct answer: a recent report from an equity firm from china, about insurance business.





11月 4日 星期二 18:56 更新


also, a reader of this blog has asked if i know the reason for large amount of short selling of 2628.

just like reading the news above, my reply would be:


take good care of your company (read the reports and news for the status of the business) and the company would take care of you and itself.

that is the essence of investment
