
very interesting articles about the two companies from a mainland blogger




i won't comment on them.....


2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Warren Buffett said he's buying U.S. stocks and, if prices stay attractive, his personal investments, as distinct from his stake in Berkshire Hathaway Inc., will soon be wholly in American equities.

Writing in the New York Times, he said he's following the principle: be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.
國壽股東同大家點睇,但係我真係好驚,我原本果日反彈到29個幾想清倉,結果無咁做,果日彈到27個幾又想清,但係都無咁做,依家真係好後悔,如果賣左,果日21個幾第一注,分三注,越跌越買.曹仁超話齋,過早睇好係死罪.罪名成立,罰坐艇兩年.By the way平保發言人話Pearce離職單野係流喎,唉,大陸d野真係,同d毒奶一樣,奶又假,d女個胸又假,連新聞都假既.會唔會d業績都係假既呢,咪玩啦!

匿名 說...

對啊 C-Hing,我都後悔 $29.X 冇走人,(我的平均價是 $28)
以前認為 $26, $25, $24 是苟價,現在日日都是!